Member Meal-Prep Method: 60 pounds Down


  • 1 pound of Radishes
  • 1 head of Celery
  • 2 Zucchini Squashes
  • 1 Bag of Green Beans
  • 1 Bulb of Garlic
  • 1 Bunch of Asparagus
  • 1 Bag of Baby Bell Peppers
  • Snacks: Strawberries
  • Snacks for People Who Exercise A lot: 10 Almonds Per Day
  • 1 Dozen Eggs
  • 1 Box of Baby Kale
  • 1 Bag of Hemp Seeds
  • 1 Bottle Liquid Aminos

Chef’s Notes:
Above is a shopping list for a week of meal prep for one person for lunch! You can change up which meal you have on the spot. Having all of your veggies prepped makes it easy to toss together different recipes, like the ones below!

We are so proud of one of our members, Sharon, for coming up with this meal prep recipe. She’s lost over 50 pounds in less than 6 months by following this simple meal prep method. She shares her veggies with her grandchildren and her crazy chef daughter when she’s home.


  • Friday, go to the grocery store and purchase your goodies
  • Saturday, wash your goodies
  • Sunday, chop each veggie and store in containers for the week

Easy Asian Style Scrambled Eggs

  • Heat 3 tbsp. of Liquid Amino Acids in a non-stick skillet
  • Add 1 clove of minced garlic and sliced green onion
  • Cook for 1-2 minutes until green onions are soft
  • Add 3 egg whites, cook until eggs are solid white about 3-5 minutes
  • Top with fresh sliced cherry tomatoes and more sliced green onions
  • Serve on a bed of baby kale or spinach to add extra enzymes to your meal and boost your fat-burning results

Easy Bachelor Style Baked Veggies 

  • Take 1/2 bunch of Asparagus, 1-2 cups of Sliced Baby Bell Peppers, and 1 cup of Sliced Zucchinis and  and 2 cloves of garlic lay them out on a baking sheet
  • Sprinkle 3 tbsp. of Hemp Seeds on top
  • Sprinkle 1-3 tbsp. of your favorite seasonings on top- like Whole Food’s Bebere or Chili. Keep it simple- you can just cover the veggies
  • Drizzle 1-3 tbsp. of liquid aminos over veggies
  • If you’re using a toaster oven, stuff as many veggies as you can on that sucker and toast for 20 minutes on the highest setting
  • If you’re using a conventional oven, same thing, bake for 20 minutes

Simple Salad Dressing

  • Take baked veggies and lay them on a bed of greens of your choice- like baby kale or spinach
  • Drizzle one lime and 1 tbsp. of Liquid Aminos over it for a quick simple dressing

Going home to see my mother so healthy and happy is one of the greatest feelings in the world. It was life changing to sit next to my niece and snack on celery instead of popcorn together.

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