Chia Seeds: What Are They and How Can They Help?

The fiber loaded seed that is versatile and delicious.

The Chia Seed comes from a Central American desert plant. Historically, they were a staple in the Aztec diet.


Chia seeds are extremely high Omega 3 fatty acids, which are effective at lowering blood sugar and reducing risk factors for heart disease.  


Chia seeds are also loaded with fiber, so they’re a powerful digestive aid.  


Maybe most importantly, chia seeds are a powerful protein source.


They can be added to a smoothie for a protein boost. Three tablespoons of chia seeds are also a great vegetarian substitute for animal proteins.


These tiny seeds also absorb 10 times their weight in water, so 1 tsp in your water bottle will keep hunger at bay and delay starvation mode.    


Filling, fibrous, and full of healthy fats, the chia seeds are a small, but mighty addition to your Betr eating protocol!


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