Health Horizons: Soar to Wellness Heights with Betr CoPilot

No one knows you better than... your Betr CoPilot.
Your 24/7 assistant, registering your likes, dislikes, progress, challenges, and all in between.

Your Betr CoPilot Works For You

The more you interact and train your CoPilot the Betr it becomes at keeping your health and lifestyle soaring.

Your History
Your Betr CoPilot will register all the places you've been that you don't want to go again so that we can steer clear of those obstacles.
Your Preferences
Every like, dislike, triumph, stumble, want and desire will be continuity enriched by your Betr CoPilot.
Your Activity
Your Betr CoPilot will send you insights and resources that will help you reach your goals based on your activity such as sleep, exercise, and more!
Your Goals
Your Betr CoPilot will know your goals from the very start and make sure you have everything you need to reach them every step of the way

Your Wish Is On Demand

Imagine your personal coach as the tower controller, and your passengers as your supportive community, while Your AI-powered CoPilot expertly navigates the intricacies of a smooth takeoff, flight, and arrival.

Getting Started

We'll make sure you feel completely prepared and safe for flight - you'll meet your coach, get introduced to the community and be given all the resources you'll need.

Enjoy The Ride

The more information you give AI, the better it will be able to personalize your in-flight experience to make sure you get to your destination of Independent Health and reach all your goals along the way.

Independent Health

Your Co-Pilot puts your first, empowering you (italicize you) to understand your health (italicize your health) autonomously: destination Independent Health! You now have the knowledge, resources, and habits to take ownership of your own well-being without relying on external factors such as doctors, trainers, or programs.
Take off