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Keep reading to learn why gut health will work for weight loss when nothing else has…

The gut healthy, weight-loss rocket booster.

Do you…


1- Do “all the right things”, but you can’t get rid of belly fat?

2- Set your wallet on fire with diet after endless diet?

3- Avoid appearing in the photos of your life?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, this is a must-read.

What if weight loss was effortless?

…You fearlessly step on the scale every morning, confident in the direction of the numbers, finally making food your friend and not your foe… 

Easily slipping into your favorite skinny jeans…

Loving the skin you’re in, and winking at who you see in the mirror…

With boundless energy to seize the day and live with joy.

It may sound like a pipe dream, but believe it or not, you can get this incredible feeling back or feel it for the very first time.

So why hasn’t it been easy and effortless?

First off, none of this is your fault…

Emotional and environmental stressors are causing inflammation and digestive distress…

This distress fuels a negative cascade of thoughts and hormones which keeps your body in survival mode…


In survival mode, your body will prioritize fear and anxiety over happiness…


In survival mode, you will have addict-like cravings for junk food no matter how much you try and resist…


In survival mode, your body will choose to store fat rather than use it for energy…


Left unchecked, this mode will cause your blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar, and weight to soar…


To reverse all of this we have been given countless diets, medicines, and pep talks…


These chaotic strategies only fan the flames of inflammation and self-doubt creating a debilitating and vicious cycle…


So before we up our exercise that our bodies are not ready for, let’s introduce you to a simple plan to turn your dial from survival mode to thrive mode within three days or less…

Reset your Gut, improve your metabolism, and reduce inflammation… 

Get back to loving how your body looks and feels…
Leave your weight loss battle in the past where it belongs and have the confidence to know exactly what to do if it creeps back again.

Even if…

  • You’ve tried multiple other programs that haven’t worked, or haven’t worked permanently and you think this is just another plan or program.

  • You have an underlying health condition making weight loss challenging and you don’t believe anything will work except for exercise.

  • You don’t like cooking, or hate feeling hungry and think this will take too much time. 

  • You know you need to ‘improve your gut health’ but you think it will take too long.

You don’t need motivation when you have a thriving microbiome…

The truth is you can restore your gut health and move the body towards a state of ease so you lose the weight and keep it off – even if everything you’ve tried in the past failed.


So are you ready to experience the exhilaration of converting 10% of fat into improved energy, sleep, mood, and mental clarity just like over twenty-thousand clients?

 Kathryn lost 24lbs of fat and 10% of her body weight in just 8 weeks!
Betr Health
Quickly lose weight – without the drama, without counting calories, macros, points, or carbs,  and without skipping meals.
Instead of dragging yourself into the gym, you’ll have to be dragged out of it because of your unstoppable energy and loving the way you feel! 
The “NOW YOU’RE IN CONTROL” program:
Quick View Of Betr Health 
You will have a personalized plan that heals your body and addresses the food sensitivities and stress that make weight loss and health feel effortless.
We handle everything…
  • Personal Coach 
  • Personalized Plan
  • Recipes 
  • Meal Planner
  • Empowering Community
Try it for just three days and you will be amazed…
Take A Look At Betr Health’s Online Reviews.

The weight-loss rocket booster to fuel your EOS Fitness membership.


Welcome EOS Fitness Member to the Betr Health Movement!

As you continue your transformation journey, we wanted to take a moment to introduce ourselves as the nutrition partner of EOS Fitness.


What if weight loss and healing could be effortless and easy? 


….The boundless energy from morning to night to meet the demands of the day…easily slipping into your favorite skinny jeans and anything else in your dusted off, fabulous wardrobe…loving the skin you’re in and winking at what you see in the mirror…fearlessly stepping on the scale every morning, confident in the direction of the numbers, and finally making food your friend, not your foe.

It may sound like a pipe dream, but believe it or not, you can get this incredible feeling back or feel it for the very first time.

If any of what follows sounds familiar, it’s time to join the Betr Health Movement. 

Ask yourself:


Do you…

  • Do “all the right things”, but you can’t get rid of belly fat or manage your cholesterol?
  • Feel confused about how to get healthier with a pre-existing condition?
  • Avoid appearing in the photos of your life or looking in the mirror?
  • Miss out on high-energy activities and adventures?
  • Struggle with weight loss, poor sleep, and medications?
  • Set your wallet on fire with diet after endless diet?
  • Keep believing the ‘eat less, move more’ myth, and add stress to your body?
  • Battle your body to lose weight?
  • Believe what all the “experts” say about your age, gender, genetics, or bad luck?
  • Wonder what’s wrong with you?


First off, none of this is your fault and there is nothing wrong with you.


But here’s the problem: exercising can actually cause fat storage and terrible cravings.

So while you’re taking advantage of your EOS Fitness membership, we want you to have the best chance of healing your body back to its natural, slim, and energized self.

We’ve helped over twenty thousand people, just like you, to lose a staggering amount of weight, improve their energy, reduce their blood pressure, anxiety and depression medications, and even reverse certain chronic diseases!


Meet Kathryn, one of our top Betr Health success stories! I am so proud to introduce you to her. You see… Kathryn lost 24lbs of fat and 10% of her body weight in just 8 weeks!


Betr Health is a Gut Health reset program that makes it easy to turn quick results into a sustainable lifestyle.


Quickly lose weight – without the drama, without counting calories, macros, points, or carbs, and without skipping meals. Instead of dragging yourself into the gym, you’ll have to be dragged out of it because of your unstoppable energy and loving the way you feel!


Here’s why Betr Health will work when nothing else has.

By becoming a Betr Health Member, you will have a personalized plan that heals your body and addresses the food sensitivities and stress that make weight loss impossible.


Your Jumpstart Membership Includes:

One Month Personal Coach

Personalized Plan


Meal Planner

Empowering Community


Money-back guarantee: You will become a raving fan within the first two weeks – if not, we’ll refund you 100% money back, same day, with no questions asked (no hassles, no gimmicks).



Plus the first 100 EOS Fitness members that sign up for the risk-free trial get $50 towards Betr Health meal delivery and supplementation.

Simply enter this code: EOSFIRST100 at checkout.

Reset your Gut Health, replenish your microbiome, improve your metabolism and reduce inflammation.


Get back to loving how your body looks and feels. Leave your weight loss battle in the past where it belongs and have the confidence to know exactly what to do if it creeps back again.


Even if…

You’ve tried multiple other programs that haven’t worked, or haven’t worked permanently and you think this is just another plan or program.

You have an underlying health condition making weight loss challenging and you don’t believe anything will work except for exercise.

You don’t like cooking, or hate feeling hungry and think this will take too much time.

You know you need to ‘improve your gut health’ but you think it will take too long.

The truth is you can restore your Gut Health and move the body towards a state of ease so you lose the weight and keep it off – even if everything you’ve tried in the past failed.

So are you ready to experience the exhilaration of converting 10% of fat into improved energy, sleep, mood, and mental clarity just like over twenty-thousand clients?

And with our risk-free trial, just for EOS Fitness members, you have nothing to lose, except 3-4 pounds of weight loss in the first week.

Plus the first 100 EOS Fitness members that sign up for the risk-free trial get $50 towards Betr Health meal delivery and supplementation.

Simply enter this code: EOSFIRST100 at checkout.