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Get Back To Betr

Getting Back on Track After Falling Off the Wagon

We're all human, so it can happen that you get sidetracked when trying to eat healthy and build a new lifestyle. But falling off the wagon doesn't mean having to stay off. You told yourself it would be just one meal out with friends, but the next thing you know it's been three days and you haven't consumed one thing you consider healthy. It was faster to grab a pastry in the morning from the local coffee shop and your coworkers were ordering Chinese food for lunch, and suddenly the days just got away from you.


Life happens, so at betr we work with you to put a plan in place to help avoid those situational setups for poor eating choices. But when you do stray from healthy habits, the important thing is staying motivated and using tools to get yourself back on track. You have the ability to reach your goals...even with a little detour. Here is our best advice on how to get back on track after falling off the rails and choosing the right path forward:


One Meal at a Time

Jumping right back in after falling off the wagon is the best approach. Start again by focusing on the next meal you have coming up. By taking it one meal at a time, getting back on track becomes more manageable. Use quick hacks like a rotisserie chicken and pre-washed/bagged salads to survive the week. Buy pre-washed/pre-cut veggies and just eat them raw to keep things quick and simple. On your first day off, plan to prep for the week once again using our pre-made meal plans and shopping lists.


Applaud Yourself

Everyone has a "bad food day," and it's a natural part of trying to eat healthy when surrounded by excessively unhealthy options. Every time you choose something grilled over fried, pat yourself on the back. Eating your fruit snack instead of something from the vending machine or the co-worker's doughnuts, congratulate yourself. Every healthy decision you make, big or small, is worth celebrating. When you have a day of slipping back into old habits, go back and look at how far you've come. So check your meal plan, plan your day, and celebrate the new healthier you!


Prepare for Success, Keep Healthy in Sight

When hunger strikes, you're going to eat whatever is available to you. If you open up the pantry and find a bag of chips, you can only guess what you'll have during snack time. It's important to stock your fridge and pantry with healthy options you'll need to stay on track throughout the week. If you have dinner ready to go or fruit on hand, you're less likely to splurge on something unhealthy. So jump right back in and buy all of your ingredients for the week and prepare anything you can in advance. Cut vegetables earlier in the week and keep healthy snacks ready to go for every day. Stick to a specific list when grocery shopping to help control your eating when at home. If it’s not available, you won’t be tempted! Then, when you crave sweets, you are forced to grab a piece of fruit instead of chocolate or sweets—because you didn't buy it at the store. That’s a fantastic way to get rid of cravings and stay on track.


Jump Right In

After a high-calorie dinner or one too many slices of pie for dessert, you may come down harder on yourself than you should. We are often our own worst critics. Don't tell yourself you'll start again next week. Instead, jump right back in! Don't let one bad decision dictate your healthy habits going forward. Everyone falls off, some harder than others. But you can't undo it, so forgive yourself and immediately get back on plan. Remind yourself of WHY you are doing this in the first place. Remember, betr health is a journey, not a destination. You are fueling your body to heal and live your best life.


Share the Betr Love

Let your friends and family know you are currently following a food list for the Betr program. This way when you're eating together they can help pick out a restaurant or prepare meals with a selection of approved foods. Support is 100% beneficial! You, your family, and your friends deserve Betr  so make sure they join you on this journey and share the goodness!