Lesson 5 - Standing Flow
In this yoga practice, start by sitting comfortably in your chair with knees over feet and shoulders over hips. Follow these steps:
- Engage in Durga Pranayam by positioning your hands on your heart and low belly, focusing on your breathing technique.
- Practice stirring the pot while seated, moving your torso in circular motions with your breath.
- Transition to Mountain Pose while standing behind the chair, feeling grounded through your feet and lifting your arms up and down.
- Explore Tree Pose by shifting your weight onto one foot and balancing while keeping shoulders relaxed.
- Move into Warrior One by stepping back with one foot, feeling the connection of your feet to the ground, and lifting your arms.
- Try Warrior Three by balancing on one foot and extending the opposite leg behind you, maintaining focus and stability.
- Relax by coming back to your seat in the chair, practicing gentle twists and ending with a moment of stillness and gratitude.
Remember to breathe mindfully throughout the practice and find your center in each pose. Thank yourself for taking the time to practice yoga today. Namaste.