Lesson 6 - Sun Salutations
Today we are learning a variation of the popular yoga Sun Salutation A, starting in Tadasana, Mountain Pose, facing the front of a chair. Here's a breakdown:
- Ensure proper alignment from feet to shoulders.
- Engage thighs, tailbone down, shoulder blades together, and gently retract your shoulder blades down.
- Engage the core, lift the back of the head, and close your eyes for a full-body scan.
- Move from rocking back and forth to finding stillness and center.
- Practice Durga Pranayam to focus on breath and centering.
Continue with the Sun Salutation flow, keeping about a foot distance from the chair:
- Inhale with arms in a big circle, look up.
- Exhale, fold forward, hands on the chair.
- Move through halfway lift, forward fold, downward dog, and optional backbend or plank pose.
- Repeat the sequence for muscle memory and flow.
After the Sun Salutations, come to sitting in the chair and move into the pigeon pose. Here's how:
- Hug your right knee in, cross the ankle over the left knee, or place the right ankle over the left ankle.
- Press the right knee towards the floor and add a twist if comfortable.
- Return to center, cradle the knee, then switch sides.
End with a seated relaxation:
- Sit comfortably with both feet on the floor and rest your hands on your thighs.
- Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and settle into the present moment.
- Bring your palms together in front of your heart, lift a gentle smile, and say Namaste.