Full Yoga Classes - Morning Yoga

Full Yoga Classes - Morning Yoga

Morning Yoga

Welcome to this 25-minute yoga class designed to energize and uplift your spirit while cultivating gratitude for the day ahead. As you step onto your mat, take a moment to set an intention for your practice. It could be as simple as expressing gratitude for the opportunity to move and breathe or focusing on bringing positivity and light into your day. By starting with a clear intention, you can infuse your practice with purpose and meaning, enhancing the benefits you receive from it.

Begin the class in a comfortable seated position, grounding yourself and connecting with your breath. As you move through a series of gentle stretches and flowing sequences, pay attention to how your body responds to each movement. Notice any areas of tension or resistance and breathe into them, allowing the breath to create space and release tightness. With each inhale, imagine filling yourself with energy and vitality, and with each exhale, release any negativity or stress you may be holding onto.