Intro to Yoga - Part 1, Lesson 5

Intro to Yoga - Part 1, Lesson 5

Lesson 5 - Backbending

Welcome to the lesson on prone backbends! In this video, we will delve into the wonderful benefits of practicing backbends that help us move against gravity.

In today's modern lifestyle, we often find ourselves slouching in cars or at desks, which can have detrimental effects on our posture and overall well-being. By incorporating prone backbends into our practice, we can improve spinal flexibility, counteract the impacts of prolonged sitting, and enhance our mood.

These postures are not just about the physical benefits; they also play a significant role in boosting energy levels, increasing confidence, and even relieving lower back pain. As we move through these poses, we will be strengthening the back, neck, and shoulder muscles, promoting better posture, and stimulating the flow of blood and lymph throughout the body. So, let's dive into the practice and experience the transformative effects of prone backbends!