Your Relationship with Food

A healthy mindset about food and healthy eating habits go a long way toward helping people achieve weight-loss and weight maintenance goals. Unfortunately, many people struggle with the relationship between food and dieting. For some, this means falling off a diet by secretly consuming chocolate chip cookies, muffins, ice cream, fried chicken and hamburgers.

Yo-yo dieting is another way an unhealthy relationship with food manifests itself. Some can be on top of their diet game for weeks or months at a time, then relapse and gain weight by eating high caloric items filled with refined sugars, and unhealthy fats. Others eat emotionally to insulate themselves from their feelings- eating comfort foods when they’re stressed, sad, bored, or lonely.

Our relationship with food is an important part of restoring balance to our overall wellness.


How to Change your Relationship with Food

  1. Stop punishing yourself for what you already ate: Instead of stressing out and punishing yourself for the cookies you ate the other night, focus and get back on track today!
  2. Listen to your body and practice mindful eating: Eat your food without any distractions and listen to your body to make sure that you are satisfied after your meals.
  3. Stop the vicious cycle of all-or-nothing: If you had pizza or a donut, try to let it go! Most of us think “well I ate that donut so I may as well just keep going” this usually turns into a food binge.
  4. Love your body: Fuel your body with healthy nutrients and your body will take care of the rest. There are some things we can’t change and those things we have to accept and love about ourselves. For the things we CAN change, we need to respect our bodies and give it the care it needs to take care of us.

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This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Diana Long

    Simple ideas, but powerful when implemented!

    1. Kathleen Delaney-Fink

      Thanks for sharing this I needed to read this today.

  2. Steven (ginger) Monroe

    This is so true. I am going to think of this when when I need to.

  3. Tanya Stubblefield

    Made it to phase 3 and have been able to recover from two 20% days. It’s so exciting to think this is sustainable! My husband even asked for his own Mason Jar salads. They are an easy way to get back on track after an eating weekend. 36 pounds down feeling confident to keep going!

  4. Debra Crandall

    This was great. Giving ourselves the permission to make a decision whether good or bad and still get back on track. I really love Betr this is a life style 😍

  5. Susie Mills

    For me this has been a game changer and a whole new way of looking at food. Making right choices. Knowing if that 20% didn’t work for you you can fall back to level 1. Thank you for the encouraging message.

  6. Gary Arzamendi

    I have never felt so good about where I am and where I am going for my health and well being! This is a great article to read and I take the wisdom from it to continue my journey and I expect nothing but success and better health ahead!

  7. Anna McGowan

    This program gives us who did the yo-yo dieting for do long hope. It is incredibly simple to go back to Level 1 and eat really good food to adjust and maintain! Such freedom and control which never seemed to be there before this program! I just love this Betr Lifestyle!

  8. Lori M

    #1 is my favorite. There’s no going back, so just do Betr now. 🙂 Recovering from my holidays where my 80/20 was more like 20/80… but I’m bouncing back very quickly which I LOVE.

  9. Stella Labatte

    Thank you! Very interesting post.

  10. Kathleen (Kathi) Manship

    A friend once likened the “all or nothing” philosophy to: if you got one flat tire you wouldn’t give up and go around and flatten all the others “just because.” Why do we do that to ourselves? When you think of it that way it doesn’t really make sense.

  11. Skye Hayworth

    Great tips for this holiday season.

  12. Teresa Soderstrom

    Perfect timing for this article. Seems Betr health knows just the right timing for many helpful articles along this journey . Thanks!

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