“I feel like a new man with more energy, less stress, better sleep – and I don’t have to use my CPAP machine anymore!”

Angel is a high school principal in Fresno, California. Being in charge of an entire school can be extremely stressful and demanding. While most of his day is spent in the office, the stress levels of this position requires a lot of mental focus and energy. 

Giving into his cravings for sweets and other foods left Angel feeling achy, tired, and bloated. He was on medication for high blood pressure and was at risk for type two diabetes. Even though he was working out at the gym 2-3 times a week, he couldn’t seem to lose weight and lower his elevated blood pressure levels. 

Although nervous at first, Angel decided to sign up for Betr Health through Blue Shield of California’s Wellvolution program. Through this insurance program, he was able to get immediately enrolled for NO additional cost! Once he got started on the protocol, he couldn’t believe the results that he saw. 

Since starting with Betr Health, Angel has lost just under 50 pounds! His blood pressure levels dropped down to 110/60. As a result, his medications will be reduced if his blood pressure levels remain normal at his next appointment. He’s also seen differences in his sleep, energy levels, and cravings. “I feel like a new man with more energy, less stress, better sleep — and I don’t have to use my CPAP machine anymore,” he says. 

One of the results that Angel is most excited about is that he no longer craves those foods that made him feel worse. “I no longer crave the bad food I ate before and I crave salads now!” he comments. 

Angel only has a few more pounds to go before reaching his target weight, and then he plans to continue the Betr protocol in order to maintain his goal weight. “I wanted to thank Betr Health from the bottom of my heart. I’m feeling Betr and now the real journey begins!”

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