Chicken & Beef Meal Plan - Option 1

Breakfast (3 Days)

  • Egg Muffins with Fresh Sliced Tomatoes
  • Warm Apple Berry Quinoa
  • Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Fresh Sliced Tomatoes

Lunch (3 Days)

  • Mason Jar Salad with Rotisserie Chicken
  • Mason Jar Salad with Hard-Boiled Eggs
  • Mason Jar Salad with Rotisserie Chicken (repeated from Day 1)

Dinner (3 Days)

  • Burger on Lettuce Wrap with Onion, Tomato, and Green Beans
  • Rotisserie Chicken with Marinated Tomatoes & Roasted Vegetables
  • Hamburger Patty (Leftover from Day 1) with Tried and True Salad

Snacks (Daily)

  • Fresh Fruits: Apples, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, and/or raspberries

Recipe Summary: