Eliza’s Win For the Week: Eliza’s Bio-scan shows both muscle-gain AND weight loss success – All with the help of her trainer and Betr Coach!

A big shoutout to Eliza’s Betr Coach, Susan R. fom Raleigh, NC and her EōS coach Olivia D. in Orem, UT! Both of you played a major role in Eliza’s success!

A big shoutout to Eliza’s Betr Coach, Susan D. fom Raleigh, NC and her EōS coach Olivia D. from Orem UT! Both of you played a major role in Eliza’s success!

Betr Gut Health Tip of the Week:

Dress Up Your Salad, Spice Up Your Gut 🔥🥗

Who says healthy food has to be bland? Give your taste buds a tantalizing treat with a homemade salad dressing featuring olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt, and a medley of aromatic spices. Not only will this jazz up your greens, but it’ll also provide a dose of monounsaturated fats that are gentle on your tummy. So, drizzle that zesty goodness, add a pinch of cumin, paprika, or whatever tickles your fancy, and watch your gut dance with joy!

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