Cynthia’s Win For the Week: Outside of losing weight, Cynthia is also feeling lighter and is no longer bloated!

A big shoutout to Cynthia’s Betr Coach, Susan D. from Raleigh, NC and her EōS coach Aiden T. at the San Diego: Sports Arena EōS gym! Both of you played a major role in Cynthia’s success!

A big shoutout to Cynthia’s Betr Coach, Susan D. from Raleigh, NC and her EōS coach Aiden T. at the San Diego: Sports Arena EōS gym! Both of you played a major role in Cynthia’s success!

Betr Gut Health Tip of the Week:

Weight Lifting: Pump Up Your Gut Health Game!! 🏋️‍♀️🤔


When it comes to gut health, don’t underestimate the power of pumping iron. Weight lifting exercises not only sculpt your muscles but can also have a positive impact on your digestive system. Studies suggest that regular strength training can increase levels of short-chain fatty acids in the gut, which are essential for maintaining a healthy gut lining. So, grab those dumbbells, challenge yourself with squats and deadlifts, and watch your gut thank you for the extra effort!

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