Phil came to life after partnering with EōS and Betr Health! He has more energy and feels 100 times better.

A big shoutout to Phil’s Betr Coach, Susan D. from Raleigh, NC and his EōS coach Alexander C. at the 19th/Baseline EōS gym! Both of you played a major role in Phils’s success!

A big shoutout to Phil’s Betr Coach, Susan D. from Raleigh, NC and his EōS coach Alexander C. at the 19th/Baseline EōS gym! Both of you played a major role in Phils’s success!

Betr Gut Health Tip of the Week:

Sugar: Sweet, but Not So Friendly to Your Gut!

Ah, sugar, the sweet seductress that can wreak havoc on your gut health. While indulging in the occasional treat is perfectly fine, excessive sugar consumption can throw your gut microbiome off balance. The bad bacteria in your gut thrive on sugar, leading to an overgrowth that can cause digestive issues and inflammation. So, be mindful of your sugar intake and opt for healthier alternatives like fresh fruits when your sweet tooth strikes. Your gut will thank you for choosing the path of moderation!

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